Date and Time Calculator

Want to calculate the number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years in the future or past from the current date and time? You can use this date and time calculator.

What is the Date and Time Calculator?

Time is our most precious commodity and its efficient management is paramount. Sometimes you might need to calculate the time or date because of some reasons such as scheduling appointments, setting deadlines, or planning your day-to-day activities.

So, using this Date and Time calculator, you can calculate all your temporal calculations for Future/Past Date and Time with one click without manual computations.

Well, a Date and Time calculator is an online tool that can calculate the future or past date and time relative to the current moment.

You can add or subtract specific durations (such as minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years) from the current date and time by just giving the input and selecting the option.

How to use the Date and Time Calculator?

This calculator offers a user-friendly user interface, where you just enter the number and select the option from the drop-down list. After entering the number, you can select the option from the list given below.

  • Minutes from now
  • Hours from now
  • Days from today
  • Weeks from today
  • Months from today
  • Years from today
  • Minutes ago from now
  • Hours ago from now
  • Days ago from today
  • Weeks ago from today
  • Months ago from today
  • Years ago from today

After selecting the option, just click or tap on the Calculate button and you'll see the result.